UNDEFEATED Chinese Hamburger 肉夾饃 Eating Challenge in Taiwan! | 30 Burgers Eaten in 30 Minutes?!

In this video, join us on this insane 肉夹馍 eating challenge in Taipei where I’ve teamed up with our cute newcomer to the food scene, Dicky! This is part of our crazy Taipei food challenge tour. For those who may not know, a 肉夹馍 is like a Chinese hamburger and boy are they delicious! The challenge? We have 30 minutes to polish off 15 of these beauties… Sounds simple enough right? Well no challenger has defeated it yet!

Even more intense – Dicky was bleeding just three minutes into our attempt. Yes, this dish may look non-threatening but underestimate it at your own peril. Giving his all and pushing his limits for the love of food challenges!

So come along and see if we made history or fell to the notorious Taiwanese hamburgers! Remember – Nothing tastes as good as winning feels!

Remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and subscribe for more exciting food adventures around Singapore and beyond. Enjoy the spice of life people!

Follow Dicky at: YT@dicky87622
IG @dicky870622

Visit 饃饃噠心動肉夾饃:
台北市大安區金山南路二段25-1號, Taipei, Taiwan, 106006
